
Healing involves a transfer of energy from the Universe through me to the animal.  This helps the animal by reducing stress levels and in doing so, helps the body’s natural healing process. 

The animal further benefits by sensing that their owner / guardian, having also benefited from the session, is in a relaxed state of mind. As healing does not involve hands-on contact with the animal, I can provide this service remotely via Zoom, Messenger, etc.

Winnie's Story

Winnie- A dog who has had distance Healing

Winnie is a loving, playful toy poodle cross chihuahua. Unfortunately she had to have an operation on her back leg and never really recovered well.

After many trips back and forth to the vets they also implied she was battling Lymphoma Cancer and possibly a slipped disc too. Any type of surgery for Winnie to undergo would have been too much for her to handle at this point as she was still recovering from the first operation. Winnie was not eating or drinking and barely walking, so we made the difficult decision that we would have her put down as she was not experiencing quality of life.

However, the evening we were saying our goodbyes and taking her to the vets she perked up. She started to walk around and wag her tail which she hadn’t done for a month. We arrived at the vets and decided that we wouldn’t have her put down but try alternative methods to see if she would perk up anymore. This was when I started looking for healing for Winnie to see if that could help.

Working with Jacquie

We came across Jacquie’s page and decided we would give it a go. We started the distance healing with the mindset of seeing if it would have any positive affect on Winnie’s behaviour. During the first session over a FaceTime call we talked with Jacquie and Winnie was sat beside my daughter and I while we were talking. Then when Jacquie started playing music after 5 minutes Winnie decided to lay down and she looked so relaxed. Winnie let us know she had had enough when she started to become aware of things in the room and sat back up.

After we finished the first session a few days went by and Winnie started bringing us her toys for her to play with. She was eating and drinking and seemed all round more energetic in herself. We knew this would not be a cure for Winnies conditions, however we decided that the distance healing had definitely positively impacted Winnie, so we opted for a few more sessions.

After these sessions Winnie was running up and down stairs, (which the vets said she may never be able to do again.) She has been playing with her toys, enjoying nice walks, and barking for lots of attention!! It was just as if she was back to her usual self!. With the help of Jacquie Winnie is now the most energetic and playful she has ever been.


We are so thankful and grateful for the distance healing sessions, we really believe they have helped Winnie enormous amounts. We truly believe Winnie wouldn’t be with us without the distance healing and would recommend Jacquie’s services to anyone who was thinking about giving it a go.

Linda Bines, Leigh-on-Sea